This article is originally from 2019, here edited and expanded. It’s on how a human being is experienced by our star family. Brace yourself.
On Being Human
May I share a few thoughts on how the galactics experience us, in their own words?
Before I go there, can we establish the origin of the species we’re talking about?
The species we call homo sapiens was apparently engineered by the galactics, who were probably helped by the celestial legions, including the Elohim. SaLuSa tells us:
“You do not exist by some freak of nature and are not the result of natural selection, but purposefully and lovingly created to exist in your environment.
“You are a special species of Humans that have taken over from Cro-Magnon Man, and have been genetically engineered to allow for a speeding up in your evolution. That we would say has been particularly successful and the proof lies in how many of you now stand in readiness for Ascension.” (1)
So when we’re called children of the stars, the name largely fits. Our star family are in fact our parents and ancestors and we’re literally their children – as far as the physical form goes!
The soul that occupies the physical form incarnates on many planets and can’t really be called an Arcturian or a Pleiaidian.
And now our parents and ancestors have come to celebrate our graduation from Third Dimensionality. Of them Matthew Ward says:
“Of the innumerable other civilizations in this universal family, many are advanced consciously, spiritually and technologically far beyond Earth’s current population.
“Members of some of those civilizations are the ancestors of Earth’s peoples, and they are assisting the populace and the planet in myriad ways—some are in spacecraft surrounding Earth; others are living among you. (2)
Is it all without cost to them? Actually no. Could we discuss some of the difficulties they may encounter in meeting us?
Here are examples of what the galactics actually say about our Third-Dimensional condition, forms, and beliefs.
The Arcturian Group tells us that “the human condition, with its worship of the intellect, is in actuality the bottom rung of a very high dimensional ladder.” (3) Ahhhhl-right.
“Without being disrespectful to you,” SaLuSa confides, “you are more like babes in arms – but within a few years you will have achieved full consciousness, something that is beyond your present understanding.” (4) Aha. Babes in arms. Hmmm….
“In some ways,” he confessed, “you are amongst the least advanced life forms. But that is of course changing right now.” (5) The least advanced, huh?
Hmmm…. Hard words to hear for some of us.
It gets worse.
The Council of Nine explain what the difference in dimensionality calls for from those who come here to help us.
“Since we exist, live, and function in the Fifth Dimension and higher, it takes tremendous effort on our part to descend into the heavier and, might we also say, highly polluted atmosphere of your planet now.
“Each of us who does make short landings has to undergo a thorough cleansing process before we are allowed back on our mother ships where we reside, so as not to contaminate our own living quarters.
“We do not say these things to shame you, but to let you know that there remain some differences in our living environments that make it difficult for both sides to come together as one.” (6)
Try to imagine the galactics’ situation.
Michael and the Angels speaking through Goldenlight tell us that coming down to our vibratory level carries risk for our star family:
“[Humans] must raise their vibrational frequencies to a high enough level that they can resonate on the same frequency as these higher dimensional beings.
“It is too much of a risk for them to lower their vibration to yours… this is why you could never see them before.” (7)
Ashian through Jennifer Crokaert goes into much more detail on their dilemma in meeting with us:
Ashian: Physical meeting is slower and more reserved than you might imagine. We are family. This is true, but for us as well as for you, this will be a new experience. It will also bring feelings of physical overwhelm to our body systems as they are more finely calibrated than yours at this time. …
When you come in contact with us, we pick up your emotional state, your thoughts, intentions, fears… it is not that we ‘read’ them. It is more that the whole of these thoughts etc carry a vibration that we can experience as heavy.
If this is combined with rough, physical movements or uninvited contact, the vibration becomes even heavier for us, especially among those of us who have not had a lot of exposure to humans.
Jennifer Crokaert: So are you saying: Move slowly, speak quietly, don’t touch?
A: Not in quite that way. That is also too coarse, too rough. We are saying, you see people move more respectfully and consciously when they are around dignitaries than the way they interact with their best friends. There is a difference in the quality of both sets of movements, although the intention – to interact with someone – is the same.
J: OK…
A: Let me put it like this, we will be able to stay with you for longer sessions with far greater ease, if we are not overloaded by rough actions and words. (8)
The risk to them might be a need for rest or convalescence or something similar after spending time with us.
Therefore we can predict that the people that the Mother’s delegates (9) meet with will have gone to great trouble to make themselves available to us. It may not be a pleasant experience for them, no matter how historic and joyful it may be for us.
The bright side is that our position at the bottom of the dimensional ladder makes our future unlimited. It’s all up from here.
And, as Michael reminds us, this generation brought our full potentiality with us in this special lifetime:
“Every single being upon this planet at this time has brought the fullness, the totality of their soul’s design to the planet. They did not leave anything behind.
“So you are well-equipped to take these steps of action, each of you in your own way.” (10)
The bottom line for me is: I appreciate the price the galactics pay in coming to meet with us. I feel grateful that they’d be willing to pay that cost to work on our behalf. And I feel the need to be sensitive to their situation to minimize discomfort to them.
(1) SaLuSa, Aug. 25, 2010, at
(2) Matthew’s Message, May 15, 2019, at httpss://
(3) The Arcturian Group, May 7, 2017, at
(4) SaLuSa, Jan. 13, 2010.
(5) Ibid., Aug. 5, 2011.
(6) “The Council of Nine: True Change Starts From Within Self,” channeled by Eliza Ayres (aka Tazjima Amariah Kumara), June 4, 2014 at
(7) “Council of Angels, Archangel Michael and Source Creator: Upgrading to a Multidimensional Operating System,” channeled by Goldenlight, October 4, 2013 at
(8) Suzi Maresca, “Ashian: A Suggested Etiquette for Meeting with the Galactics,” May 22, 2019, at
(9) The Mother announced the selection of “delegates” in 2019 who are presently meeting with the galactics. See “On the Delegations,” September 9, 2019, at ; “The Delegations are Underway,” September 9, 2019, at; ”The Historic Roots of the Delegations,” September 8, 2019, at
(10) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Oct. 11, 2016.